This Project Makes a Big Improvement
Enabling Healthy Community Fueling Solar to Gas Projects happen Immediately.
We hope the Video Above helps you see the gravity of this projects efforts to cut emissions and create new sane healthy fueling paths for our communities.
We Need your Support. Please contact us ask Questions and help us raise the target to make the change and deploy the technology.
It is Up to the People to make the Changes Happen.
Solar to Gas Grid is the most
significant innovation in Solar since 1970.
The New Solar Fuel Maker Projects Value add All Community Solar Sites 1Mw-2 Mw and above
Enabling them to distribute Hydrogen gas to new grids to reach further ,Faster while
Distributing Pure Hydrogen Gas
at low cost and pressure .
To create Healthy Community power
at any fixed site,
Grid Can join to Fuels Cell
or Fixed 24hr Engines over short or broad distances in communities or large business project areas such as a farm pumping water with engines.
Each Site can also provide gas to grids that fuel Electricity to Car Chargers via fuel cells
We will Deploy in 4 Countries with in 90 days
Cutting Emissions Globally
and providing a warranty and training.
Out put is Oxygen while cutting
Co2 Nox and Sox to near zero. = Healthy
Project Scale 1mw up
Solar , Wind , Hydro,and Thermal Plant Sites.
- Project installs power to gas grid technology
- Show cases value adding solar sites with H2 grid
- Allows manufacturing and training at each site.
- Add fuel cells,fixed engines to H2 Mini gas grids
- Several countries deployed simultaneously.
Our New Design of Solar to Gas Fuel Makers are Plug and Play Solar to Gas Fuel Makers. Suited to 2MW Solar Plant Site, or Hydro Plant Site ,Wind Plant site Wave Site or Thermal Plant site with 2MW up production capacity from re newables.
These exciting systems Allow Fuel Cells, Rapid Chargers,Fixed Water Pump Engines and Fixed Power Plant engines/generators to connect to a common mini pipeline gas grid at any community or site originating from the renewable solar plants energy .
Fueling by this Renewable solar to gas System allow faster deployment and distribution to power makers to energy storage sites.. Emitting only oxygen to the air as by product.
Thus empowering faster deployment of Electric Car Chargers and Community Battery Banks in new sites away from traditional wire cable grids teaching and enabling better ROI for the operators of the solar plants.
Allowing more confident investment into solar ,pro actively on shorter time lines.
To expand the total Mw Solar Generation Capacities they own and operate to faster reduce global reliance on fossil fuels and Bad emission fuels.
These existing 2 Mw Renewable Energy Solar sites power the On Demand Hydrogen Gas Production units we will implement for each project site.
Each site is selected to show case and implement the technology advance .
These exciting new Technology Units which plug and play directly to localized mini pipe line gas grids, with no tanks no compressors required all make h2 on demand from Water and are daisy chained to allow higher or lower production to meet demands on the h2 grid.
Communities, Co2 intensive Industries, and Farms operating fleet of fixed engines for power heating water pumping and air rating ,can now benefit and advance with our Renewable Power to Gas Grid Technology. By Switching the Engines fleets to such a system once shown to them the benefits are outstanding.
Reducing Co2 fixed engine emissions and benefiting the local communities air quality by converting their systems and engines from using heavily polluting fossil fuels it is the ideal win win project for all communities to join in.
It is up to us the People to Decide to Bring this technology to our Communities ahead of corporations. That is Why we inviting crowd funding community to stand with us on the green technology implementation fund raiser.
Fast 24 hr 7 days a week conversion of solar energy to H2 Gas distributed in local mini Grids.
Distributed via new grids H2 gas to Fuel Cell Clusters
Distributed to fixed engine fleets, water pumps , power generators, air pumps.
Distributed to Electric Car Rapid charging sites.
- Faster Deployment less Cost Better load management
- Less losses compared to cable wiring,
- Less risk of outages due to wire grid load collapses.
- We have 2 Hydrogen Solar to Gas production Units designed ready to produce for these deployments in sizes either 20 Foot shipping containers or 40 Foot shipping containers they ship with in 90 days.
- We will to deploy 3-4 examples to solar sites in USA, Australia,Netherlands and Hong Kong. With a Minimum of 2 sites if Target is achieved.
- With configurations of each sit having 1 x 40 Fcl making 100Nm3/h of Hydrogen at 16 bar to a 0.1 mpg-0.3mpa mini gas pipe line grid on allocated project lands. Along with High Compression Hydrogen only Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Power plant engines 150 kw connected to the gas grid there.
- These sites once deployed will Showcase the production technology from Solar, Allowing Power to Gas fueling to gas grid on demand from renewable with ZERO emissions .
- We will start Manufacturing and supply from these Education and training sites to establish advanced technology training sites with this successful fund raiser. Aimed at Farmers Communities and industry.
- Benefits Include
- Power Line loss is far less that 12% when using gas to distribution energy vs Electric lines, Gas Line loss is 1-2%
- Gas Grid Building and Distribution is also Cheaper and Faster to deploy over great distances.
- The roll out of these mini gas grids can show case hydrogen fuel cells placed on the renewable solar to gas grids Project Funds.
- Fuel Cells can than be connected to Rapid Car Chargers on the grids. Allowing show the examples of bypassing of outdated existing wire grids faster whilst avoiding over loading of old wire cables and transformers when adding 1000's of rapid electric car chargers.
- It is Expected this will help meet the rapidly growing demand for deploying Rapid Car Chargers 22 kw for Charging Electric cars up per site ,
- By installing solar to gas and gas to fuel cell rapid car chargers on the gas grid we build and deploy in these examples and world advances away from Fossil Fuels in a planned progressive way and reduces emissions instantly by value adding all suitable 2MW Solar Sites.
What these Solar Projects Need & What Communities Recieve
- The Larger 100Nm3/h 40 foot Container units are aprox US$690,000 per site
- The Hydrogen only High Compression Fuel inject Engines and fuel cells Install Kits Total Us $500,000 Per site for 1 Power plant unit and 1 Fuel Cell and Rapid Charger. Prices include install Certifications and engineers.
- Price includes 5 year Warranty and Servicing 1 year and install we have 4 Sites and will allow for the generator civil site preparation works in the budget for each site, Road Drainage power lights etc.
- We will allocate all funds to these project 12 by 1 in order listed above and if we achieve over the goal will deploy all monies toward expanding the number of sites we deploy to enable more countries to value add their community solar sites.
- Donors have option of donating larger amounts to have a site made in their community or country , and have them added to deployment project list.
- If we Don't Reach our exact goal we will round it up and install and complete as many sites as we can based on monies received . And we will provide updates as we Survey Design and Deploy each site planned .
- Every stage of this Healthy Community fueling Campaign
The Impact of Donating
Contribution will enable us to:
- Immediately Start Manufacture of these Solutions to a 90 days Time line through to deployment to Solar Sites to Value add them to distribute through and to gas grids:
- We will Provide Scaled Gifts which empower Small Hydrogen products to be made for education and use to further build skill and knowledge base.
- We are positioned with fully certified products & Factories with professional engineers to complete this project on time to a High standard of Certification with warranties on Parts and equipment Training will be provided to each team at each site.
- Healthy Community Fueling is now Ready and Available it is time we all joined together to bring the technology to the people so we reduce emission and commence a new path for clean air & Healthy Community fueling.
- The Primary Challenges are partnering with suitable and established solar sites which are in operation in a un contracted way to allow us to change a portion of the electricity they product and sell to grid at low rate of return aprox (520kw/h/dc ) to power our Fuel maker on their site to gain a Much Higher ROI Rate of return value/ Value add the solar electric produced by turning it to a gas. To be distributed through other means grids or trucks ,Thus value adding their site to produce a sell able gas fuel aimed at Fixed engine fleets and fuel cell fleets connected to grid or electric charge chargers in other locations.
- We believe globally their to be a number of suitable solar sites and we will work hard to raise awareness of these Power to Gas Production units and show how they value add and can help all communities and business reduce emissions to Zero. And We hope with your Donation Support to achieve a faster global uptake and deployment of Renewable Healthy Community Fueling projects.
- The People Must join together to bring about these changes.
Other Ways You Can Help
Can't contribute, but that doesn't mean you can't help:
- Please make some noise to Solar Operators you know about our power to Gas Project and Implementation campaign located here.
- Please Invite Donors and People interested in Healthy Community Fueling Projects to join in and Contribute to our Solar Power to Gas Grid Campaign by acquiring some of our gifts.
THE Questions which should allow you to Decide to Join in and Order these Solar to Gas units and Generators is
What is the Price of Hydrogen Gas in your Are per Per Cubic Meter ? $
In Hong kong it is 138hkd per cubic meter
The European
price it is wholesale
€9.90/kg (£7.92/kg, US$13.07/kg) in 2015
€1.00 aprox per 1 Nm3
our units make 100Nm3/h at 520 kw solar dc. 24 hr 7 days.
2400Nm3/ day per 40 fcl container unit.
units can be daisy chained with no tanks to pipe line gas grids.
It seams Due to Global Uptake of Fuel Cell the price is Rising.
To Participate or Order directly Privately
Call Daniel + 66 83 647 3443
I am Interested to Hear Directly Coomunity leaders Business People
and from Solar Wind Farm Plant Owner Operators to Support Bring these Solution to Market to secure your Community .
Warn Regards
Daniel Donatelli
Secure Supplies
This is about the Time the World says as 1 voice
we all go 100% Hydrogen
we all go 100% Hydrogen
All Manufacturers are thorwing caution to the wind and going all electric or all hydrogen now for 2016 2017
Toyota goes all Renewables
Perks Gifts
Injectors 2 in 1 spark and Gas Adapter
Perks For Hydrogen Production split gas 3900 4900 5900
Truck Marine and Home Kits from solar.
Are similar to this assembly picture below sent pre assembled
Fuel Maker Perk
Examples of sites which run 24 hrs ready for Converting the Diesel Generators & Pumps Sites to Hydrogen Gas Grid Fueled from solar.
This is required around the world to reduce pollution and fuel costs.
Our solar to Gas Grid Solution is Ready to deploy now and need support to make it happen in your community
Most hydrogen today is made from natural gas in an efficient process that does not create criteria pollutants and uses little water. When used in a fuel cell electric vehicle, the well-to-wheels CO2 emissions are more than half those of gasoline in a combustion vehicle. SB 1505 calls for an additional 37% reduction in CO2 by using more Hydrogen.
If you Made it to here and considering to support us
Do take the time to review this video about what is happening now
please reconsider and watch this information
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